Skills can modify play outcomes and improve your team. Draft offense, defense, kicking, and penalty skill tokens before the game and adjust your play-calling to your new skills.
The front (or play) face each token indicates its type as either an offense (rockets), defense (shields), kicking (stars), or penalty (Xs) skill. The back face of each token indicates its duration as either game, possession, play, or special. These designations set how long each skill is in-the-game.
Skills are optional. You can always play games using just the offense and defense play-cards and kick tables without any skills.
Drafting game skills (2 skill tokens per team) permits more aggressive game-play. Drafting the full set of game, possession, and play skills (14 skill tokens per team) customizes your team’s statistical profile. Drafting the special skills (1 skill token per team) simulates real tactics at the line-of-scrimmage. Both players can simply agree on which set of skills, if any, to draft into a game.
Skills are designed for four possessions per side. You can play a game of this length, or double it and re-draft all skills at the start of the second half.
Separate the tokens into two sets of 24 according to the color on their front faces: yellow on white, or white on yellow. It does not matter which team uses which set since they are the same otherwise.
The DOWN and BENCH tokens have unique functions in the game and are not skills. The DOWN token is used to track the down and the BENCH token is used to cover your stack of available skills. You automatically get these two tokens so set them aside to use during the game.