The front (or play) face of each token provides information about how each skill can impact outcomes.
Each game and possession skill is matched to a specific Fliip outcome and cannot impact other Fliip outcomes. The text at the end of the arrow represents the Fliip outcome that can be changed by that skill. For example, the Pass Offense game skill has "INT" at the end of the arrow which means this skill can change Fliip pass interception outcomes.
The text inside the football represents the new outcome that can be created by that skill. In our example, the Pass Offense game skill has "INC" inside the football which means this skill can change a Fliip interception outcome to an incompletion.
Some skills require a three dice roll to successfully change the outcome. This is indicated by two black numbers separated by a dash. The number above the dash is the minimum dice roll total for the skill to be effective. The "9/8" in the example means the Pass Offense game skill will change an interception to an incompletion for a skill-dice-roll total of 9 or more. The Fliip outcome will remain unchanged (an interception) for a dice roll total of 8 or less.